8 Prayers for Adulterous Husbands To Come Back (With Bible Verses)

Have you found out that your husband has been unfaithful and you’re wondering where to turn? Adultery in a marriage can be devastating, leaving the betrayed spouse feeling hurt, angry, and lost. However, instead of seeking revenge or giving up, why not turn to prayer?

Today, we’ll share eight powerful prayers that you can say for your adulterous husband to come back and mend your broken marriage. These prayers can bring healing, forgiveness, and guidance during this difficult time.

Prayers for Adulterous Husbands To Come Back

1) Prayer for Healing and Restoration in Marriage

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a heavy heart, seeking your guidance and intervention in my marriage. Lord, my husband has strayed and committed adultery, causing deep pain and brokenness in our relationship. I ask for your healing touch to mend our hearts and restore the love and trust we once shared.

Lord, I surrender my pain and anger to you, knowing that you are the God of forgiveness and reconciliation. Help me to find it in my heart to forgive my husband for his actions and grant me the strength to move forward with grace and love.

I pray for my husband, Lord. Open his eyes to the hurt he has caused and convict his heart to repentance. May he understand the gravity of his actions and seek your forgiveness and guidance in rebuilding our marriage.

Lord, I trust in your power to restore what is broken. I ask that you heal the wounds in our marriage and renew our commitment to one another. Help us to grow individually and as a couple, learning from our mistakes and deepening our love for each other.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

This prayer acknowledges the pain and brokenness caused by adultery in a marriage. It seeks healing and restoration by surrendering the hurt and anger to God and asking for His guidance and intervention.

When faced with the betrayal of a spouse, it can be incredibly difficult to find forgiveness in our hearts. However, this prayer encourages us to seek God’s help in extending grace and love to our adulterous husbands, just as Jesus forgave those who betrayed Him.

Furthermore, this prayer emphasizes the importance of repentance and seeking God’s forgiveness. It recognizes that true healing and restoration can only occur through genuine remorse and a commitment to change. By praying for our husbands to repent, we invite God to work in their hearts and lead them back to righteousness.

Ultimately, this prayer expresses faith in God’s power to heal and restore what is broken. It acknowledges that while reconciliation may be a challenging journey, with God’s guidance, love, and grace, it is possible to rebuild a marriage after adultery.

2) Prayer for Divine Guidance and Wisdom

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you seeking your divine guidance and wisdom in this difficult time. My husband has been unfaithful, and I am unsure of how to proceed. I ask for your clarity and discernment to make the right decisions for myself and my family.

Lord, you are the source of all wisdom, and I trust in your guidance to lead me on the path that aligns with your will. Help me to weigh the options before me and discern the best course of action, whether it be reconciliation or separation.

Grant me the courage to seek counseling, both individually and as a couple, if it aligns with your plan for our healing and restoration. May your wisdom guide the therapists and counselors we may encounter, that they may provide the support and guidance we need.

Lord, help me to remember that I am not alone in this journey. Surround me with a community of supportive friends, family, and fellow believers who can provide wise advice and encouragement along the way.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

This prayer acknowledges the need for divine guidance and wisdom when faced with the betrayal of an adulterous husband. It seeks God’s clarity and discernment in making decisions regarding the future of the marriage.

By recognizing God as the ultimate source of wisdom, this prayer invites His guidance to help navigate the difficult choices ahead. It encourages seeking professional counseling as a means of seeking additional insight and support in the healing process.

Furthermore, this prayer highlights the importance of community and support. It asks for a network of reliable individuals who can offer wise advice and encouragement along the journey. This can include friends, family, and fellow believers who have experienced similar struggles.

Throughout this prayer, there is an acknowledgment of the need to align with God’s will. It recognizes that the decision to reconcile or separate is deeply personal and should be made with careful consideration and discernment.

3) Prayer for Patience and Strength During the Healing Process

Prayer for Patience and Strength During the Healing Process

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a weary heart, seeking your patience and strength during the healing process. The wounds of betrayal run deep, and I know that healing will take time. Grant me the strength to persevere and the patience to trust in your timing.

Lord, I feel overwhelmed by emotions such as anger, sadness, and confusion. Help me to bring these feelings before you and find comfort in your presence. Calm my restless heart and grant me peace that surpasses all understanding.

During this time of healing, guide me in self-reflection and growth. Show me areas of my own life that may need transformation and give me the courage to face them. Help me to grow stronger and wiser through this experience.

Lord, remind me of your unfailing love and faithfulness. Even in moments of doubt and pain, help me to trust that you are working in my life and that beauty can come from brokenness. Restore my hope and remind me that my value is found in you alone.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

This prayer acknowledges the pain and difficulty of the healing process after the betrayal of adultery. It seeks God’s patience and strength to persevere through the emotions and challenges that arise.

During the healing process, emotions such as anger, sadness, and confusion can be overwhelming. This prayer acknowledges the need to bring these feelings before God and seek comfort in His presence. It asks for His peace to calm restless hearts and grant strength to endure.

Additionally, this prayer recognizes the opportunity for self-reflection and growth during the healing process. It asks for guidance in identifying areas of personal transformation and the courage to face them. This emphasis on personal growth can lead to a stronger and wiser individual, even in the midst of pain.

This prayer also focuses on the importance of trusting in God’s love and faithfulness. It calls for a restoration of hope and a reminder that beauty can arise from brokenness. Through these reminders, individuals can regain a sense of self-worth and find comfort in their relationship with God.

4) Prayer for Trust and Faith in God’s Plans

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a broken heart, struggling to trust in your plans for my life. My husband has betrayed me with adultery, and I am filled with doubt and fear. Help me to surrender my doubts to you, Lord, and have faith in your greater purpose.

Lord, I acknowledge that your ways are higher than my ways, and your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. Even in the midst of pain, I choose to trust in your wisdom and guidance. Remind me that you can bring good out of every situation.

Help me to release my desire for control and surrender to your perfect will. Show me that even in this storm, you are working for my good. Give me the strength to let go of the past and embrace the future you have planned for me.

Lord, I ask for the grace to forgive and the courage to love unconditionally. Help me to view my husband through your eyes, seeing his potential for transformation and redemption. Grant me the patience to wait upon you and the strength to persevere.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

When faced with the betrayal of adultery, it can be challenging to trust in God’s plans and purpose for our lives. This prayer addresses the struggle to surrender doubts and fears to God and seeks faith in His greater wisdom.

Throughout this prayer, there is an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and higher ways. It acknowledges that even in the midst of pain, God can bring good out of every situation. It encourages the individual to trust in His perfect will and surrender the desire for control.

Furthermore, this prayer asks for the grace to forgive and love unconditionally. It recognizes the potential for transformation and redemption in the adulterous husband and seeks the patience to wait upon God’s timing. By praying for strength and perseverance, the individual commits to trusting in God throughout the healing process.

5) Prayer for Redefining and Rebuilding the Marriage

Heavenly Father, I come before you seeking your guidance and wisdom as my husband and I redefine and rebuild our marriage after his adultery. Lord, help us to navigate this challenging journey and find a new foundation based on trust, love, and respect.

Give us the courage to have honest and open conversations about our pain, concerns, and desires for the future. Help us to listen to one another with understanding and empathy, seeking to rebuild a solid foundation of communication.

Lord, remove any bitterness, resentment, or lingering hurts that may hinder our progress towards healing. Fill our hearts with forgiveness and grace so that we may truly embrace the opportunity for renewal and growth.

Guide us in setting healthy boundaries to protect our marriage and rebuild trust. Teach us to prioritize our relationship and invest time and effort into nurturing it. May our actions align with our desire to honor you in our marriage.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

This prayer focuses on the process of redefining and rebuilding a marriage after adultery. It seeks guidance and wisdom from God to navigate this challenging journey and establish a new foundation based on trust, love, and respect.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of honest and open communication between spouses. It asks for courage to have difficult conversations about the pain, concerns, and desires for the future. By actively listening to each other and seeking understanding, the couple can rebuild a solid foundation of communication.

Additionally, this prayer asks for the removal of any bitterness, resentment, or lingering hurts that may hinder the progress towards healing. It acknowledges the need for forgiveness and grace in order to embrace the opportunity for renewal and growth.

This prayer also underscores the importance of setting healthy boundaries to protect the marriage and rebuild trust. It recognizes that prioritizing the relationship and investing time and effort into nurturing it are essential in the healing process. Ultimately, the prayer seeks to align the couple’s actions with their desire to honor God in their marriage.

6) Prayer for God’s Protection and Divine Intervention

Prayer for God's Protection and Divine Intervention

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you seeking your divine protection and intervention in my marriage after my husband’s adultery. Lord, I acknowledge that I am powerless to change my husband or fix our brokenness on my own. I ask for your supernatural intervention and guidance.

Protect us from further temptation and outside influences that may threaten our healing and progress. Guard our hearts and minds, and give us the strength to resist any temptations that may come our way.

Lord, I ask for your divine wisdom to discern any ungodly patterns or habits that contributed to the adultery. Reveal them to us, that we may address them and break free from destructive cycles. Guide us in seeking your transformation and renewing our minds.

I pray for your healing touch upon my husband, Lord. Convict his heart and lead him to repentance. Help him to understand the pain he has caused and grant him the determination and strength to change. Give him a heart that seeks to honor you and our marriage.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

When faced with adultery in a marriage, it is important to seek God’s protection and intervention. This prayer acknowledges our powerlessness to change the situation on our own and asks for God’s supernatural guidance and wisdom.

The prayer emphasizes the need for protection from further temptation and outside influences that may hinder healing and progress. It recognizes the importance of guarding our hearts and minds and the strength to resist any temptations that may come our way.

Furthermore, this prayer seeks God’s wisdom in recognizing and addressing any ungodly patterns or habits that may have contributed to the adultery. It asks for His guidance in breaking free from destructive cycles and seeking transformation. This points to the importance of personal growth and repentance for the adulterous husband.

The prayer concludes with a plea for God’s healing touch upon the husband. It asks for conviction in his heart, the understanding of the pain caused, and the determination and strength to change. By praying for the husband’s transformation and a heart that seeks to honor God and the marriage, this prayer seeks to align the journey of healing with God’s desires.

7) Prayer for Rebuilding Trust and Intimacy

Heavenly Father, I come before you with a deep desire to rebuild trust and intimacy in my marriage, despite the adultery that has taken place. Lord, I know that rebuilding trust will be a gradual process, but I ask for your guidance and strength along the way.

Help us to be transparent and honest with one another, sharing our thoughts, feelings, and fears. Guide us in rebuilding trust by consistently demonstrating trustworthiness, transparency, and accountability.

Lord, grant us the courage to seek professional help if needed, whether it be through marital counseling or therapy. Help us to find skilled professionals who can guide us in the process of healing and rebuilding our marriage.

Restore our intimacy, Lord. Help us to rebuild emotional and physical intimacy, recognizing that it will take time and patience. Grant us the grace to be vulnerable with one another and to work towards creating a deeper emotional connection.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Rebuilding trust and intimacy after adultery is a gradual process that requires guidance, strength, and patience. This prayer seeks God’s assistance in rebuilding trust and intimacy in the marriage.

It emphasizes the importance of transparency and honesty between spouses, as well as consistently demonstrating trustworthiness, transparency, and accountability. This is essential in the gradual process of rebuilding trust.

The prayer also acknowledges the potential need for professional help in the healing process. It recognizes the value of seeking marital counseling or therapy to guide the couple in their journey towards trust restoration.

Furthermore, this prayer acknowledges the need to restore emotional and physical intimacy. It recognizes that rebuilding intimacy will take time and patience and asks for guidance and grace in creating a deeper emotional connection.

8) Prayer for a Renewed Foundation of Love and Commitment

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you seeking a renewed foundation of love and commitment in my marriage after the betrayal of adultery. Lord, I ask for your help in rebuilding a love that is rooted in your grace and forgiveness.

Help us to choose love and commitment every day, even when it is difficult. Grant us the grace to extend forgiveness to one another, just as you have forgiven us. Teach us to love sacrificially and unconditionally, following the example of Christ’s love for his church.

Lord, I pray for a renewed sense of purpose and vision for our marriage. Guide us in aligning our goals and aspirations with your will. Help us to prioritize our relationship and invest time and effort into nurturing it.

Give us the strength to let go of the past and the grace to embrace the future you have planned for us. May our renewed foundation be built on trust, love, and a shared commitment to honoring you in our marriage.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

This prayer seeks a renewed foundation of love and commitment in the marriage after the betrayal of adultery. It asks for God’s help in rebuilding a love that is rooted in His grace and forgiveness.

The prayer emphasizes the importance of choosing love and commitment daily, even in the face of difficulty. It asks for the grace to extend forgiveness to one another, mirroring God’s forgiveness towards us, and encourages sacrificial and unconditional love.

Furthermore, this prayer seeks a renewed sense of purpose and vision for the marriage. It asks for God’s guidance in aligning goals and aspirations with His will and prioritizing the relationship. By investing time and effort into nurturing the marriage, the foundation can be rebuilt on trust, love, and a shared commitment to honoring God.

Also Read: 6 Prayers for Success In Life (With Bible Verses)

Bible Verses to Read When Praying for Adulterous Husbands To Come Back

Bible Verses to Read When Praying for Adulterous Husbands To Come Back

Proverbs 6:32

“But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.”

This verse from Proverbs serves as a reminder of the consequences of adultery. It shows that engaging in such behavior not only harms the spouse but also brings destruction upon oneself. It teaches us the importance of faithfulness in marriage and the destructive nature of infidelity.

Matthew 5:27-28

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:27-28 emphasize the importance of not just avoiding physical adultery, but also guarding our thoughts and desires. This verse reminds us that even cultivating lustful thoughts or desires is considered adultery in God’s eyes. It highlights the need for purity and faithfulness in both our actions and innermost thoughts.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

In this passage, the Apostle Paul urges believers to flee from sexual immorality. It highlights the significance of our bodies being temples of the Holy Spirit and the need to honor God with our bodies. This verse encourages us to resist the temptation of adultery and to remember the sacredness of our physical selves.

Hebrews 13:4

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”

Hebrews 13:4 emphasizes the importance of honoring marriage and keeping the marriage bed pure. It serves as a reminder that God will judge those who engage in adultery and sexual immorality. This verse highlights the significance of upholding the sanctity of marriage and the consequences of straying from that commitment.

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